Standing On A Planet (With You)

Get ready to rock out to the video for “Standing On A Planet (With You)” by One Million Fuzztone Guitars, Skin Patrol, and Robert Courtney! The single cover artwork sets the stage with a twist. Picture this: a bear found abandoned by the side of the road near a local waste site, just like in the beloved movie Toy Story. But this bear’s destiny took a different turn as this cool dude becomes an icon on the mean streets of New York City. 

The song itself is a beacon of hope, forged on a weathered GDR acoustic guitar salvaged from the shores of Lake Coniston. It just leapt off the fretboard and into the World.

“This track boasts a groovy interplay of guitars and serves as a high-octane anthem for sunny days. Absolutely brilliant!”

“The catchiness of this song is off the charts! The guitar sound is pure dynamite. It’s like The Only Ones colliding head-on with Lou Reed on Bridlesmith Gate. Love it!”

“That instrumental section hits you with a raw and potent sound, bursting with untapped potential. It’s time to explore that style further with an off-beat ballad that defies all conventions!”

Prepare to be blown away as we venture into the world of “Standing On A Planet (With You)”, an unruly spirit that will ignite your senses. Crank up the volume, hit that play button, and let the music take control!

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